Sunday 9 June 2013

Let's give this a go...

Hi everyone!
As you can see, this is my first post on this brand new blog :) Less obvious is the fact that this is my first blog post ever, unless you count the 'blogs' I had to write for one of my modules last year (which I don't).
I have to admit, I don't really have a foolproof plan for what I'm going to put on here or what exactly I want it to communicate, I've just been reading fashion and food blogs for a while and it looked like such fun, I thought I should give it a try!
Quick explanation re: the name of the blog. I know it seems a little random, and no, I don't actually live by the sea, either at home or at Uni, but I do love the seaside very much, and would like to live near a beach in the future, so that explains that bit! As for the rest, my main interests are fashion (although I do need to be braver on showing that with my own clothes I think) and beauty, hence 'style' and cooking/baking- so 'sweet'. I wanted a name that communicated the primary things I imagine I will be posting about, but it was harder than I thought, so 'SweetOnSeasideStyle' was what I eventually came up with! I also have a minor obsession with navy and white sailor stripe clothing, so thought that fitted in quite well :)
The theatre is also a big part of my life, but trying to squeeze something about the stage in there was too much- the sibilance was really getting a bit over the top...
As mentioned, I'm not particularly experienced when it comes to blogging etc, and am on a continuous quest to be less useless on Twitter, so bear with me and I will try my best to be entertaining!
Thanks everyone, and I'll post something more specific (and hopefully interesting) as soon as I can.
Bye for now!

Twitter- @NicolaBethanFox

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